
I. 「スポーツと持続可能な開発目標」持続可能なイベント開催・運営に関する国際潮流・パリ五輪からの視点(6.Aug)
II. Olympic legacy for the public: From Tokyo 2020 to Paris 2024 (9.Aug)

I. スポーツと持続可能な開発目標

日時:8月6日(火)15:00 – 16:30 CEST 

場所:パリ日本文化会館 (Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris)


主催:日本スポーツ振興センター(JSC:Japan Sport Council)




参加者にはJSCとsportanddevが共同開発したガイドブック『SDGs達成へ向けたスポーツの活用ガイドブック スポーツを通じた社会課題解決のための政策/事業の設計・実施・モニタリング・評価方法』(概要は下記リンクのビデオ参照)を無料で配布します。



II. Olympic legacy for the public: From Tokyo 2020 to Paris 2024

Join us to explore how the Olympic Games can benefit local communities socially and environmentally.

Date and time: Fri, 9 Aug 2024 15:00 – 16:30 CEST

Location: Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris (101 bis Quai Jacques Chirac 75015 Paris France)

Language: English

Come join us at Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris for an exciting event discussing the impact of the Olympics on local communities. Learn about the legacy of Tokyo 2020 and what we can expect from Paris 2024.

Through the preparation and hosting the Olympic Games,

・Can social inclusion be facilitated?

・Can we expect changes in people’s lifestyles to act to benefit the environment?

・How can the local people, including those with little interest in sport, benefit?

This in-person event will look at the Olympic Games from the angle of general citizens’ daily lives, and will feature insightful discussions and opportunities to connect with others who share a passion for sport and community development. We also welcome those who would like to enjoy Paris 2024 Olympic Games from a different perspective, or those who have experienced such legacies as local hosts.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to be part of the conversation!

Olympic legacy for the public: From Tokyo 2020 to Paris 2024 Tickets, Fri 9 Aug 2024 at 15:00 | Eventbrite

投稿者:日本スポーツ振興センター 山田 悦子 ドイツ語2002年卒業

